Iceland Siege: Police surround a gunman 2. júní 2015 20:30 The Icelandic police force has evacuated an apartment building in Hlidarhjalli, Kopavogur. An inhabitant is believed to have fired a shotgun from his apartment building around 3 pm local time today. The man has not been identified yet. Neighbors however have explained how they found shotgun bullets in the garden this past weekend. Furthermore a car owner returned to his car, parked outside the same apartment building in April, to find it covered in holes and a side window broken.Updated 21:32: The six hour siege is over. Police say the apartment was empty and as of now it is not clear whether the sounds from the apartment were indeed gun shots. Police has comfiscated guns and ammunition from the apartment in question. News in English Mest lesið Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sveitarfélögin höfnuðu tillögunni á elleftu stundu Innlent Ætlar að tjalda í Kópavogi þangað til meirihlutinn springur Innlent Algengt að rútubílstjórar keyri á túninu Innlent Uggur í fólki og Hinsegin kórinn hættur við að taka þátt í World Pride í Washington Innlent Verkföll hafin í sex skólum Innlent Árásarmaðurinn hafi átt í samskiptum við lykilvitni Innlent Gátu ekki lent í þoku í Osló því flugmenn eru enn í þjálfun á Airbus Innlent Útganga kennara kom formanninum í opna skjöldu Innlent Þóra Tómasdóttir strýkur Tesla-eigendum öfugt Innlent
The Icelandic police force has evacuated an apartment building in Hlidarhjalli, Kopavogur. An inhabitant is believed to have fired a shotgun from his apartment building around 3 pm local time today. The man has not been identified yet. Neighbors however have explained how they found shotgun bullets in the garden this past weekend. Furthermore a car owner returned to his car, parked outside the same apartment building in April, to find it covered in holes and a side window broken.Updated 21:32: The six hour siege is over. Police say the apartment was empty and as of now it is not clear whether the sounds from the apartment were indeed gun shots. Police has comfiscated guns and ammunition from the apartment in question.
News in English Mest lesið Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sveitarfélögin höfnuðu tillögunni á elleftu stundu Innlent Ætlar að tjalda í Kópavogi þangað til meirihlutinn springur Innlent Algengt að rútubílstjórar keyri á túninu Innlent Uggur í fólki og Hinsegin kórinn hættur við að taka þátt í World Pride í Washington Innlent Verkföll hafin í sex skólum Innlent Árásarmaðurinn hafi átt í samskiptum við lykilvitni Innlent Gátu ekki lent í þoku í Osló því flugmenn eru enn í þjálfun á Airbus Innlent Útganga kennara kom formanninum í opna skjöldu Innlent Þóra Tómasdóttir strýkur Tesla-eigendum öfugt Innlent