Kendall og Gigi óþekkjanlegar í nýjasta tölublaði W Magazine Ritstjórn skrifar 20. október 2016 14:30 Það hefur verið átt við andlit Kendall Jenner í W. Mynd/Skjáskot Fyrirsæturnar og vinkonurnar Gigi Hadid og Kendall Jenner eru vægast sagt óþekkjanlegar í nýjasta tölublaði W Magazine. Andlit þeirra hafa verið lagfærð á undarlegan hátt eins og má sjá á myndunum hér fyrir neðan. Þetta er allt saman gert í tilefni 10 ára útgáfuafmælis blaðsins. Tölublaðið snýst að mestu um listir og því var farið óhefðbundnar leiðir þegar unnið var að forsíðuþættinum. Lagfæringarnar og myndatakan var stýrð af listamönnunum Ryan Trecartin og Lizzie Fitch. Myndaþátturinn er skemmtileg tilbreyting frá þessum hefðbundu forsíðum sem við höfum séð á þúsundum tískutímarita. Eflaust eitthvað sem maður mun muna eftir. A whole other dimension. @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid become humanoid creatures in artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin's "placebo pets," an exclusive project for W. Go inside W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:17am PDT Plugged-in to the future. @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid become humanoid creatures in artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin's "placebo pets," an exclusive project for W. Go inside W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:08am PDT @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid are super-friendly, highly adaptive domesticated animals in a humanoid zoo. Artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin create an exclusive commission, titled "placebo pets," for W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue. Go inside the issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:15am PDT @KendallJenner becomes a human paintbrush in an homage to #YvesKlein. In celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, #KendallJenner dives into performance art by channeling icons like #MarinaAbramovic, #YokoOno and more. Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:45am PDT @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid dive into performance art. Not all goes as planned. Watch #KendallJenner and #GigiHadid channel iconic artists #MarinaAbramovic, #YokoOno and more, in celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, on Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:54am PDT Supermodel @KendallJenner moonlights as a performance artist, paying homage to #YokoOno. In celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, watch #KendallJenner channel more iconic artists on Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 7:03am PDT Mest lesið Crocs skór á tískupallinn Glamour Hátíðarfarðanir sem munu slá í gegn Glamour Ég er glamorous! Glamour Grammy 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour Frábærar hugmyndir að konudagsgjöfum Glamour Perlur fyrir alla - alls staðar Glamour Leiklesa Sorry á stórkostlegan hátt Glamour Svart og hvítt á rauðum dregli Glamour Hliðarspeglatöskur og bílamottupils Glamour Nike í samstarf við Supreme og NBA Glamour
Fyrirsæturnar og vinkonurnar Gigi Hadid og Kendall Jenner eru vægast sagt óþekkjanlegar í nýjasta tölublaði W Magazine. Andlit þeirra hafa verið lagfærð á undarlegan hátt eins og má sjá á myndunum hér fyrir neðan. Þetta er allt saman gert í tilefni 10 ára útgáfuafmælis blaðsins. Tölublaðið snýst að mestu um listir og því var farið óhefðbundnar leiðir þegar unnið var að forsíðuþættinum. Lagfæringarnar og myndatakan var stýrð af listamönnunum Ryan Trecartin og Lizzie Fitch. Myndaþátturinn er skemmtileg tilbreyting frá þessum hefðbundu forsíðum sem við höfum séð á þúsundum tískutímarita. Eflaust eitthvað sem maður mun muna eftir. A whole other dimension. @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid become humanoid creatures in artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin's "placebo pets," an exclusive project for W. Go inside W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:17am PDT Plugged-in to the future. @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid become humanoid creatures in artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin's "placebo pets," an exclusive project for W. Go inside W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:08am PDT @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid are super-friendly, highly adaptive domesticated animals in a humanoid zoo. Artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin create an exclusive commission, titled "placebo pets," for W's 10th Anniversary Art Issue. Go inside the issue with @DianeSolway on Photograph by @JasonKibblerStudio, styled by @PatrickMackieInsta. A photo posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 5:15am PDT @KendallJenner becomes a human paintbrush in an homage to #YvesKlein. In celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, #KendallJenner dives into performance art by channeling icons like #MarinaAbramovic, #YokoOno and more. Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:45am PDT @KendallJenner and @GigiHadid dive into performance art. Not all goes as planned. Watch #KendallJenner and #GigiHadid channel iconic artists #MarinaAbramovic, #YokoOno and more, in celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, on Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:54am PDT Supermodel @KendallJenner moonlights as a performance artist, paying homage to #YokoOno. In celebration of W's 10th anniversary Art Issue, watch #KendallJenner channel more iconic artists on Directed by @columbinegoldsmith, styled by @caroline_grosso. A video posted by W magazine (@wmag) on Oct 20, 2016 at 7:03am PDT
Mest lesið Crocs skór á tískupallinn Glamour Hátíðarfarðanir sem munu slá í gegn Glamour Ég er glamorous! Glamour Grammy 2017: Verst klæddu stjörnurnar Glamour Frábærar hugmyndir að konudagsgjöfum Glamour Perlur fyrir alla - alls staðar Glamour Leiklesa Sorry á stórkostlegan hátt Glamour Svart og hvítt á rauðum dregli Glamour Hliðarspeglatöskur og bílamottupils Glamour Nike í samstarf við Supreme og NBA Glamour